About Us

Meet Our Founder

Noa is a Christian Influencer, Podcast Host, Wife, and Founder of Fierce and Free. She is passionate about her relationship with Christ, and encourages others to follow Him as well. Noa felt a calling on her life to lead women and help them to grow in their walk with God, and so she started her podcast, Fierce and Free.

Noa is adamant that believers must read the word and apply it to their lives, so that they can continue to step into the anointed calling that God has placed over them, and live their lives in a manner most pleasing to the Lord.

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Listen To The Podcast

Fierce and Free is a Christian Youtube and Audio Podcast, with your host Noa, bringing you a fresh perspective on what it looks like to be a modern day Christian. Join us every week for some juicy girl talk, where we cover relevant topics such as Dating, Marriage, Friendships, Faith, Apologetics, and how to stand firm in the Spirit during these crazy times that we are living in.

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