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Our Mission

This Journal was created in the hopes that it would help believers grow in their walk with Jesus Christ. It is important that we are not only reading the Bible, but that we apply it to our lives on a daily basis. The Bible is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). It is the blueprint to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Psalm 119:105

Our Classic Journal

Whether you're seeking comfort in prayer, documenting sermons, or jotting down reflections from daily devotionals, our single-lined journals are thoughtfully designed to serve you in any capacity. Let its pages be a canvas for your deepest ponderings and heartfelt revelations.

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Our Application Study Journal

Our Application Study Journals are meticulously crafted to guide you through a comprehensive study process. Begin with heartfelt prayer, expressing your intentions and seeking divine guidance. Then, express gratitude to God for His wisdom and revelations.

With dedicated sections for prayer, gratitude, scripture reference, author, passage, and application, our journals offer a clear and organized approach to your study. Each element is carefully designed to enhance your understanding and application of the Bible.

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Join The Community

Fierce and Free is a Christian Youtube and Audio Podcast, with your host Noa, bringing you a fresh perspective on what it looks like to be a modern day Christian. Join us every week for some juicy girl talk, where we cover relevant topics such as Dating, Marriage, Friendships, Faith, Apologetics, and how to stand firm in the Spirit during these crazy times that we are living in.

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